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DTV Membership

Why join?

This membership will help US military families live their best lives overseas through.. 

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Who is this for?

The DTV membership is for EVERYONE!

Including all US military families, civilian employees, and anyone else specifically PCSing (or TDY) to Germany through the US Government.

No matter which stage of your GERMANY assignment you’re on, this membership program will cover

3 specific phases of your overseas PCS:

Phase 1: PCS into Germany


Phase 2: Living in Germany


Phase 3: Leaving Germany?


Where do I even start?

With hundreds of blog posts and videos online, it’s hard to stay organized. Plus, who has time to watch/read EVERYTHING!?!

This membership will fast track you to the most important services within the “DTV content library.” Whether you’re PCSing, looking for travel advice, or need local resources, we’ll show you where to start first to maximize your efficiency and save you time.

Membership Packages

Monthly Package

5 / month


What you will Get

Yearly Package

48 / year


What you will Get

⭐ Bundle Package⭐

*Cancel membership at anytime!